Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The World of Facebook

So I have attempted to move into the new technology world by creating a Camp Abe Lincoln facebook account.  I will have to say that I have no idea what I was doing.  The "Facebook" language which all of my counselors speak is hard enough to follow but now I have officially joined.  It is just listed under camp's email, camp@scottcountyfamilyy.org.  I have noticed that there are quite a few past counselors on Facebook which is pretty cool.  I would love to hear from any of you who are or are not. 
I would also like to challenge any of you to send me some great camp memories.  I know that there are some pretty great ones since camp has been going since 1924 and I would love to hear some of the best.  Please email me any stories you have and I will see who has the best (best meaning best story to share with camper parents.)  Please send me the stories when you can and I will post some of the best.  

I look forward to hearing from you all.  Have a great day and a great time remembering.